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Arrowroot Powder

Arrowroot Powder

Regular price Rs. 380.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 380.00
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Arrowroot powder is extracted from the plant Arrowroot, a tuber that is used widely in traditional medicine for the treatment of diarrhoea, urinary tract infections, and respiratory issues. Arrowroot is a traditional food during the winter month of Dhanu, November-December, where kapha dominates the body. The powder is used as a light porridge mixed in water and milk to help with elimination of kapha from the body. 

Arrowroot is also a highly adulterated product, mixed with cornstarch and other similar flour based products, arrowroot loses its potency. We source our arrowroot from our local organisation that grows their own arrowroot, and processes it under Good Manufacturing Process (GMP) guidelines.

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More about the product


Scientific name : Maranta arundinacea L.
Ingredients : Arrowroot Powder


Arrowroot is said to be a good source of folate that may help in preventing neural tube defects in foetus (Strom et al., 2018); Arrowroot flour has also been identified in studies as a potential source of prebiotics (Harmayani et al., 2011). Arrowroot extracts have shown in vivo and in vitro immunostimulatory effects (Kumalasari et al., 2012).

Arrowroot is extremely effective and traditionally recommended in helping recovery post- diarrhoea.


  • Use two teaspoons of arrowroot powder and mix it with warm water, boil with half cup of milk, sweeten with your choice of sweetener and enjoy.
  • Arrowroot powder can also be used as a substitute for cornstarch in soups etc.

Storage Information

Store in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunlight. Some clumping is normal.