Tropical Garcinia cambogia is a species that is unique to South and Southeast Asia. The fruit is green to light yellow in appearance and resembles a little pumpkin. When making curries, garcinia gummi-gutta is added to the recipe to give them a sour taste. Many traditional recipes used in food preparation involve the fruit rind and extracts of Garcinia species. The rind is a component of several fish and prawn curries and coconut-based curries in Kerala. Vegetarian meals produced from fruit rind, such as chutneys and pickles, are highly popular.
Pot tamarind fruit rinds, which are fresh and dry, are used in several cuisines as a spice, condiment, and garnish to give food an acidic flavor and lengthen the shelf life of the dish. According to Ayurvedic medicine, "sour" tastes stimulate digestion.
Scientific name : Garcinia gummi-gutta
Ingredients : Pot tamarind